SSD Optimizing Guide

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Standard Optimizations - Disable Large System Cache

Large System Cache allows windows to use more RAM for cache thus needing to page to the SSD less often. For older machines this caused issues when RAM was at a premium but for machines with 4GB+ RAM you will only notice performance improvements.

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Standard Optimizations - Limit NTFS Memory Usage

Removing the cap from what the system is allowed to use of RAM for storing the File System takes off the load from having to re-read the File System from the SSD. This option improves performance but larger amounts of RAM are required to support them, Something that most machines have today.

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Standard Optimizations - NTFS 8.3 Name Creation

The creation of 8.3 filenames and directories for all long filenames and directories on NTFS partitions may decrease directory enumeration performance. An 8.3-compliant file name refers to MS-DOS file-naming conventions. These conventions restrict file names to eight characters and restrict optional extensions to three characters.

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Standard Optimizations - Enable File Date Stamping

This option will provide further performance of only a few % but its drawback is items will not automatically refresh under windows (eg. While using explorer if you rename/delete/copy a file it may not show up until you refresh the folder.) for older SSDs this helped but you will not notice any difference with a modern drive, so convenience should outweigh performance as long as you are using a modern SSD and have plently of RAM

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Advanced Optimizations - Enable Application Experience

The Application Experience Lookup Service is part of an infrastructure that automatically applies software updates to programs to make sure that they run on newly released service packs and newly released versions of the Windows operating system.

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